Vacuum Furnace Manufacturers in India – Therelek Engineers
We take immense pride in stating that Therelek Engineers is one of the largest vacuum furnace manufacturers and heat treatment system providers in India. We have successfully manufactured over 4500 integrated heating systems and solutions for over 200 repeat clients, for about over 40 years by now.
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Vacuum Furnaces Manufactured by Therelek
Bottom Loading/Vertical Vacuum Furnace

Hearth support for job weight from 25 kg to 1000 kg. Rotary – Roots pump combination / Diffusion pump / Turbo Molecular pump based vacuum system.

Front Loading/Horizontal Vacuum Furnace

Our Horizontal Vacuum Furnace has cold wall construction with metallic/graphite hot zone. The door swivels sideward and the material is loaded from the front.

Vacuum Induction Melting Furnace VIM

Vacuum Induction Melting furnace (VIM) is used in secondary refining or in metallurgy, to refine alloys in a fluid state, by bringing some change in temperature and their chemical compositions.